future of text 2019
This year's symposium was presented by WAIS on the 9th of November at the University of Southampton. Videos below are all in 360 so you can click on your screen to see the audience (or just move your head if you are indeed watching this in VR). Full Playlist
8:55 Welcome & Introduction by Frode Hegland [video]
9:00 Prompt Start
- 9:00 David Millard [video]
‘Here are the Hypertexts. Twenty years ago Mark Bernstein wondered why, if Hypertext is the future, we have so few popular Hypertext stories. Things have changed’
University of Southampton
- 9:15 Alessio Antonini [video]
‘The future is text: the universal interface’
Research Associate at Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University
- 9:30 Neil Jefferies [video]
‘Text Interoperability and Annotation: Constructing narratives across distributed corpora’
Head of Innovation, Bodleian Digital Libraries, University of Oxford
- 9:45 Jeremy Helm [video]
‘Only Listening makes Communication Possible: True Hypertext & How Wisdom Might Prevail in The Age of Machine Learning’
Inventor, Communication Advocate and California Bay Area Organizer of 2020orBust.org
- 10:00 Mark Anderson [video]
‘Text in The Post-Print Era: Augmenting Text through Visualisation’
University of Southampton
- 10:15 Chris Gutteridge [video]
‘What we learned about online textual activism as part of the Extinction Rebellion Troll Patrol’
University of Southampton
10:30 [30 mins] Coffee Break
- 11:00 Frode Hegland [video]
‘Citing Digital Works : Scholarly Copying’
Symposium Organizer and software developer
- 11:15 Howard Oakley [video]
‘Richer Text’
Mac Developer and Technical Writer
- 11:30 Ian Cooke [video]
‘What do researchers need to know about collections when connecting archived digital communications?’
Contemporary British Collections, The British Library
- 11:45 Phil Gooch [video]
‘The future of scholarly text: Towards self-describing, self-verifying research communication. How machine learning and the semantic web can help researchers verify the work of their peers and improve the public understanding of science’
Founder & CEO Scholarcy
- 12:00 Harold Thimbleby [video]
‘Living in the past is written in stone; the future is written in parallel’
See Change Digital Health Fellow at Swansea University and Author of 'Press On'
- 12:15 Presentation of WAIS work [video]
by Dave Millard
12:30 [1 hour] Lunch
- 13:30 Adam Kampff [video]
‘Cortext: A brief history of the forebrain and a proposal for its (text-based) future’
Neuroscientist at the Sainsbury-Wellcome Centre and founder of Voight-Kampff
Developer of EM
- 13:45 Raine Revere [video]
‘Text as Improv: Exploring the mind + tool system for ad hoc composition, progressive conceptualization, and dynamic scaffoldism’
- 14:00 Paul Smart [video]
‘The Story of Our Lives: Human ‘Heptapods’ and the Gift of Language. Sentences are like shadows, projected before us on a cave wall. To understand the shadows, one must understand the causal structure of the shadows’ source.’
Philosopher and Author of ‘Blade Runner 2049: A Philosophical Exploration
- 14:15 Mei Lin Fung [video]
‘Re-Imagine a Digital Supply Chain by People, Families, Farmers and Communities for All to Thrive’
People Centred Internet
- 14:30 Pip Willcox [video]
‘If I cannot inspire love, I will cause fear’
Head of Research, The National Archives, UK
- 14:45 David De Roure [video]
‘Apparatus with Agency’
Professor of e-Research, Oxford e-Research Centre
15:00 [30 mins] Coffee Break
- 15:30 Dame Wendy Hall [video]
‘The Future is Fake: We have always worried about the issue of plagiarism. As we moved from paper to the digital world, some argued plagiarism became easier, but on the other hand it is also easier to write software to detect it. However we are now moving into a world where poetry, prose and even academic papers can be generated by AI. What does this augur for the future of text?’
Regius Professor of Computer Science, University of Southampton
- 15:45 Leslie Carr [video]
Frode's supervisor so he is allowed to be late for this heading...
University of Southampton
- 16:00 Tom Standage [video]
‘Adventures with GPT-2: an artificial intelligence's views on the future of text’
Deputy Editor of The Economist and Author of ‘Writing on the Wall’
- 16:15 Sam Brooker [video]
‘The Eisegete's Loom: Against interpretative anarchy in hypertext’
Assistant Professor, Richmond University UK
- 16:30 Vint Cerf [video]
‘The conceptual depths of digital representations of text and their implications for digital preservation’
Internet Co-Inventor & Pioneer
17:00 Prompt Finish
Further Video Contributions from those who could not make it on the day
Gyiri Layos [video] plus further information on trailmarks.co
Teodora Petkova [video]
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